About Sunspot Radio

Sunspot Radio was born from the idea of receiving radiation signals from the Sun and transforming them into music.

The project was started in 2012 by Nicholas Bott as a curiosity using arbitrary data and transforming it into music. After some experimenting with the algorithm a crazy cool idea popped into his head, "What if I could take radio waves from the solar system and translate them into music, while remaining true to the data?"

This proved to be quite challenging because remaining true to data doesn't make for great sounding music. Over the years he studied music theory and human interpretation and adjusted how the algorithm could work.

In 2016 Nick had a virtual meeting with Kevin Mcleod and the music generation project came up. Kevin is a famous Royalty Free composer and was interested in the project. They bounced ideas back and forth for several hours and Nick had some new ideas for making the project a reality.

The first step was to gather data from NASA's SOHO (National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Solar and Heliospheric Observatory). This information is consistent and useful, but needed to be logged for analysis and deep learning. Once enough information was gathered between the mathematical and image feeds, the artificial intelligence behind Sunspot Radio could begin to compose music.

Finally Sunspot Radio was born and ready to help people feel more connected to their solar system and place in the universe.

My hope is that Sunspot Radio will help humans think of themselves as a species on a planet, instead of being separated by countries and ethnicities. Ultimately we are floating around the universe in a space ship we call Earth, and we need to think about working together to become greater than the sum of our parts.